Hi, I’m Jaclyn
I’m a graphic designer and a New York City lifestyle blogger. I love to sew, knit, and style my handmade wardrobe in Brooklyn, New York, and I love to explore all things NYC.
I love to hear from readers and YouTube viewers—sharing and interacting with my communities is one of my favorite things in life.
For design or blogging business inquiries, PR samples, or just to say hello, you can write to me at jaclynsalem@gmail.com
My Social media channels
Instagram is where I share a lot of sewing, knitting, and making content. I love to photograph my materials, tools, and makes around the city to share on my grid, but my favorite thing is to share my process on a project from start to finish in my “Sewing Stories.”
I get so many ideas and tips from you guys in this format, and sharing my process helps me with my main goals as a content creator: making sewing feel more approachable to beginners by demystifying the process, and busting the myth of perfectionism and that everything has to be done in a certain way. I’m definitely a “done is better than perfect” kind of gal.
My main instagram is @jaclynsalem, but I also have a secondary instagram @jaclynisgardening where I show things more related to garden and home life.
YouTube is where I share videos documenting my finished projects and works in progress in a more informal way. I also share more lifestyle content than I do on other channels.
I have a goal to start posting more vlogs this year. My Vlogmas videos are so popular, and I really want to expand the topics that I talk about into more lifestyle focus rather than just sewing and knitting.